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Kill The Wizard


Kill the Wizard is a small strategy game made for the GMTK Game Jam 2023. It is basically a Lone Survivor game, but reversed! Here you manage the troops and try to defeat a single powerful opponent.


The wizard

For the wizard I made a custom AI, the system is basic but works pretty well. To determine NME avoidance, it gets all close NME locations, makes an average, and the wizard goes in the opposite direction. The wizard also cast spells at the closest NME. If the wizard is stuck and surrounded he can cast an area spell to kill all NME around him.


As I wanted some NME variety and I was short on time, so I made a data base and a procedural constructor. Each NME is a child of the main NME class. I first planned to add more parameters like combat behavior (melee, range...) but I ran out of time.

NME database
What did I learned ?
  • Custom AI that fit my needs

  • Unreal databases

  • User Interface

What did I used ?
  • UE5 blueprint
  • UE5 Databases
  • UE5 User widgets
  • UE5 material, post processing and light function
  • Blender

Special thanks for Alexis Theron (level designer) for the map props positionning

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