Technical game designer junior
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Please take a peek at my latest works and projects
Junior technical game designer at Midgar Studio
This is a simple scene made in 4 days. My goal was to learn making highly optimized interactive foliage while while practicing my art skills. This a a common use case in survival games with plants, ores and trees.
This is the result of the application and upgrade of my previous procedural walking system on a skeletal mesh. I added a second animation layer to make the monster look at the player and add some fake physic simulation on soft parts.
This video shows my 3 days journey on making a procedural and modular walking animation system. The final result works with any number of legs and support two walking modes (classic, spider).
Here is Knock Knock, a game made in 48h for the GameSup official game jam. The theme was "It wasn't a wall after all" and I was part of a 5 members team.